Foundation to host second Christmas Gala

Following years of tradition, the Ellinwood Hospital Foundation is reaching out to the community at Christmas-time. Since 1987, the Foundation has sent a letter to community members and donors, relaying the good works of the Foundation and asking for support. This year, the Foundation also asking for support through a fun event: the Christmas Gala, a dinner and auction fundraiser.
The Christmas Gala will take place on Sunday, December 3, beginning at 5:30pm, at St. Joseph Parish Center, Ellinwood. It will be the ending event for Ellinwood's Christkindlmarket, immediately following the Living Nativity and Christmas Tree Lighting at Wolf Park.
"We're excited to host this event again," reports Lindsey Bogner, Executive Director. "We had such a great time last year – our sponsors and donors raised over $5,200 for projects! This year is going to be fun, with great food and lots of great items up for auction."
At 5:30pm, the doors will open, and the silent auction will begin. A dinner of smoked glazed ham or turkey divan will start at 7:00pm. The silent auction ends and live auction begins at 8:00pm, following a short program. Raffles will also be available. Items up for auction include gift certificates, sporting goods, holiday and home décor, sports and art tickets, and more.
Tickets are $20, and include dinner and refreshments. Tickets are on sale at Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic front offices, the Foundation office, or online here. For questions, or to reserve tickets over the phone, call 620-564-2548.